Friday, April 10, 2009

I won!

I couldn't believe what I saw when I opened my email. I was elated at first, then fell into suspicious state. I was told that I have won $100 pounds in a lucky draw :) Hmm... I can't be that lucky!! Maybe it is a fraud... maybe they would only give me the money if I met certain criteria.

I was told to call the person to give my details but I was afraid. I even thought of giving up the money even if it is for real. After analysing the weightage of the truth and falsehood by the content of the email, I decided to call the person the next day.

The truth is... I really won $100 pounds and I am going to get a cheque soon :) How am I going to spend the money? I am going to pay for my 'All Wales Training Course' fees which I have signed up recently and also the transportation.

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