Monday, February 9, 2009

Life is beautiful...

Mood:Busy Health:Good Weather:Raining

This final year has been quite a crazy one. Everyday, I am dealing with finishing my coursework in time. However, this final year was quite interesting as well. I am involved with more biology, a subject that I always wanted to do but never had the chance.

Who could believe that after so many years, and where it seems impossible, that I am able to pursue something which I had missed earlier...

This spring semester, I am involved in neonatal, artificial heart and orthopaedic. There are LOADS of reading to do but very interesting! As I go deeper into biology, my appreciation in the human body system grew. Human body is such a wonder! The system is working so hard in maintaining every aspects of our well- being. How could one let them down? This probes me to take care of my body as long as I live.

Hmm... less fat, less sugar, less salt, more vegetables and fruits, less meat... Sighs... Let me think about it...

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